According to the “Scholarship Pilot Program of National Science and Technology Council to Subsidize Universities and Colleges to Cultivate Outstanding Doctoral Students” of NSTC, National Formosa University offers outstanding doctoral student scholarships to students admitted in September 2023. From the first year to the fourth year of the doctoral scholarship, each doctoral student may be granted NT$40,000 per month during the valid term of the Scholarship.
- 112年度博士班一年級申請者,請備齊附件1申請表及相關證明文件。
- 109-111年度入學之博士班二年級以上新申請者,請備齊附件2申請表及相關證明文件。
- 每位申請者皆需要準備5分鐘的口頭簡報,簡報時間將另行通知。
- 109-111年已獲獎之博士生,請繳交
(1) 附件2申請表及相關證明文件
(2) 附件3-111學年度成果報告書(報告執行期間為111年9月至112年8月)
(3) 年度考核口頭簡報檔。
Eligibility requirements:
- For doctoral freshmen enrolled in September 2023:
application form 01 (appendix 01) and other required documents.
- For doctoral students enrolled from 2020 to 2022:
application form 02 (appendix 02) and other required documents.
【※When any awardee application is rejected, there will be a vacancy for a New application.】
- Each applicant is required to prepare a 5-minute oral presentation, and the presentation time will be notified separately.
- For awardees enrolled from 2020 to 2022:
(1) application form 02 (appendix 02) and other required documents.
(2) application form 03 (appendix 03) Annual Report of the Research Result of Awardee of Outstanding PhD Student Scholarship (Duration: September 2022~ August 2023.)
(3) PowerPoint File for the Oral presentation.
Submit before 17:00p.m., August 21, 2023.
Submit all the printed application materials to Intellectual Property Management Division, Research & Development Office, and email the electronic application files to Ms. Chen, //mail.nfu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/genMail?adr=pz10640@gs,nfu.edu.tw&;" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://mail.nfu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/genMail?adr%3Dpz10640@gs,nfu.edu.tw%26&;source=gmail&ust=1690529760257000&usg=AOvVaw1EdwaedbBSCYdR3X_dNlFb">Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它.
Regulations will be carried out in accordance with the "Guidelines for the Application for the Scholarship from National Science and Technology Council for Outstanding Doctoral Students of National Formosa University."
國立虎尾科技大學 研究發展處 綜合企劃組
地址: 632 雲林縣虎尾鎮文化路64號